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Monthly Archives: October 2015

Hey everyone!

Over the last few weeks or so I’ve been having people ask why recording has stopped on YouTube videos and where a certain video review is… The answer for the latter is, it’s coming.

The reason as to why recording has stopped (mainly for the gameplay channel) is due to my processor, the AMD A10 APU and due to the fact that when I attempt to try and record any kinda of HD video I experience huge amounts of lag.

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Hey everyone!

Over the last few months while recording unboxing videos over on my YouTube vlogging channel I thought about trying my hands at reviewing products, games etc however rather than create videos doing them I thought about making a whole new website.

I’ll be honest I could easily do them on my current website however I thought it would be nice to distance the review project from my personal website as this site is not just about gaming or tech, there is a lot coming onto this site including mental health posts etc.

The main reason for the idea though is due to the fact that a lot of online stores ask for your opinion and will only publish positive reviews and leave out anything negative, this way I am in full control of what I publish.

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Hello everyone!

Yesterday whilst trying to record some videos I found I was having issues with my webcam and the low light in the room, this isn’t really a new issue as I have had the problem before however with the nights now drawing in earlier it is starting to become an issue again.

Having tried everything I could think of to try and resolve the problem (other than only recording in the mornings) I took to the internet to try and find some kind of solution, after looking at various desk lamps and coming to the conclusion they won’t really work too well I splashed a fairly large sum of money.

What I decided to do was purchase some studio light boxes that produce enough lighting to increase the light levels enough, however included with the light boxes is a full green screen setup with three different colors of material.

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