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Hello everyone!

Yesterday whilst trying to record some videos I found I was having issues with my webcam and the low light in the room, this isn’t really a new issue as I have had the problem before however with the nights now drawing in earlier it is starting to become an issue again.

Having tried everything I could think of to try and resolve the problem (other than only recording in the mornings) I took to the internet to try and find some kind of solution, after looking at various desk lamps and coming to the conclusion they won’t really work too well I splashed a fairly large sum of money.

What I decided to do was purchase some studio light boxes that produce enough lighting to increase the light levels enough, however included with the light boxes is a full green screen setup with three different colors of material.

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Hey everyone!

Over the last few days I’ve been hearing a lot about AdBlock which is a plugin for internet browsers, the idea behind them is to “hide” adverts from websites or the internet completely and whilst the idea behind it may be good news for some… It’s usually catastrophic news for others.

I am a full time content creator which is how I earn my money, I write blog posts, create reviews and  also produce videos for YouTube but over the last few years whilst AdBlock is becoming more and more popular the ad revenue is dropping.

If you don’t use AdBlock you’ll notice my website runs Adverts, this isn’t because I want them on my site it’s because I have to have them to keep my website online and to generate some form of income.

Many people may ask themselves “what’s the harm?” and to understand what harm it can cause you need to understand how ad revenue works, so I’ll explain how it works as well as explaining the effects that AdBlock has to content creators.

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Hey everyone!

Over the past few day’s I had been experiencing some odd behavior with my version of Windows 10, it would keep giving an error saying “The extended attributes are inconsistent” and after about two days of going back and forth with Windows Support on Twitter I was starting to think it could be time to reinstall windows.

Although reinstalling windows could of had more benefits than just repairing this issue, I did think it would be an idea as I could then revert back to Windows 7 which is still in my opinion the best operating system to come from Microsoft to date. Sure Windows 10 has some pretty sweet features such as the apps (previously I had to play Candy Crush on my phone) but at this moment in time most of the features aren’t available to me.

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Hey everyone!

So yesterday I decided that I really needed to get myself a new controller to use for gaming on my PC, so I went in search for a cheap ish controller and with the standard wired 360 controller in mind I stumbled across the Razer Sabertooth.

The sabertooth is an elite gaming controller aimed at first person shooter games but can obviously be used for any game (even ets2, if you fancy a challenge) and personally I was surprised when I was told it was only £2 more than the wired 360 controller I was planning on buying.

I think it’s pretty obvious that with that level of value you only have one option? I bought the Razer Sabertooth and I would personally say that even though it’s only £2 more expensive, it’s worth a lot more!

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Hey guys!

This post is just to inform everyone that I will no longer be able to schedule blog posts from now, I did try to do so for yesterday’s post however the post wouldn’t publish and I ended up having to force it manually to publish.

After this I contacted the hosting provider and was informed that this isn’t a possibility on my hosting plan as it can have some security issues, so putting my sites safety is obviously my main concern so I’ve decided that I’ll no longer be scheduling blog posts.

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Hey guys!

I’ve heard a lot of people talking about companies choosing not to sponsor certain YouTubers / Live Streamers and I’ve listened to them moan about it, so I thought I’d voice my two pence on the subject.

I think it’s pretty obvious to most that a lot of the bigger companies will only sponsor certain people as it is a business after all, so for larger companies to sponsor people that are pretty small and “unknown” isn’t really going to benefit the company.

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